Moving at the Speed of Business

Moving at the Speed of Business

As the needs of businesses continue to change rapidly, so does Ontario’s approach to facing the challenges impacting the economic landscape. That’s why we are introducing a new investment attraction agency, Invest Ontario.

Invest Ontario will be a “one stop shop” for businesses and investors to discover what others from around the province and globe have already realized – that Ontario is a top-tier destination for investment and strategic business growth. The new agency will drive greater economic growth, support strategic domestic firms and attract business from around the world.

Whether you’re already located in Ontario and looking to grow your business, or you’re considering Ontario for the first time, we will provide the business development and planning expertise you need to help your business thrive. By investing in Ontario, companies will benefit directly from our high quality of life, highly skilled talent pool, competitive business costs, access to global markets and strong innovation ecosystem.

As Ontario continues to reopen for business, Invest Ontario will initially focus on three strategic sectors where the province has a global competitive advantage — advanced manufacturing, life sciences, and technology — all while moving at the speed of business. If you’re considering establishing or expanding your business, learn more about the services Invest Ontario can offer.

Ontario is Open for Business. Let Invest Ontario help show you in.

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