Lee Valley Store Opens in Niagara Falls

Lee Valley Store Opens in Niagara Falls

Lee Valley is a family-owned business that has been serving users of woodworking and gardening tools since 1978. Niagara Falls store location is located at 6777 Morrison Street where Manager, Thomas Still and Assistant Manager, Jamie Quinn and their twenty person employee team are ready to share their advice to customers. “Veritas Tools” is Lee Valley’s own Canadian made manufacturing branded quality tools. Their research & development team listen to customers and implement innovative ways for the woodworker, gardener or repair person.

President/Owner Robin Lee, commented during opening day, “Like any workworker, gardener or other hobbyist we take pride in our work and products. Our number one priority is once you are Lee Valley customer that you become part of Lee Valley family, it is important to listen and find innovation solutions to assist the customer to showcase their pride in their work by using the right tool for them. Our customers are multi-generational and it is very common to have 2-3 generations in together. What works for grandpa does not necessarily work for his granddaughter, so we need to be diverse in products to serve a very diverse customer base. “

Whether a tool from Lee Valley is one made by Veritas Tools or is one of the 500 or so that they get from around the world they are confident that the quality is a guarantee. Lee Valley’s customer base continues to grow across Canada, United States and now international.

Niagara Falls Lee Valley site has three expert, public training hub locations and offer workshops & events for their customers throughout the year.


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