Capri Men’s Hairstyling Celebrates 50 Year in Business
Nicola Radice, owner of Capri Men’s Hairstyling, had a rocky start, but 50 years later he’s still going at it and still having a great time. “I started down on Ferry Street,” said Radice. “Then I met the owner of Town and Country Plaza and decided to move here. That was in 1969, on this very day.” Capri Men’s Hairstylists was one of the first tenants in the plaza and at 72 years old, Nick is still working full time with customers that have been going to him for 50 years!
“My favorite memory has to be the first week I opened,” said Radice. “I made $15 that whole week. I had one customer on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, no one on Friday and four on Saturday. I started to think maybe I made a mistake.”Radice has many regulars and has seen generations of families coming in and out of Capri.
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