Canada Healthy Communities Initiative Fund
The Healthy Communities Initiative supports communities as they create and adapt public spaces, and programming and services for public spaces to respond to ongoing needs arising from COVID-19 over the next two years.
This $31 million investment from the Government of Canada will fund small-scale infrastructure projects to create safer, more vibrant and inclusive communities. Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) and its network are working alongside the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) and other partners to deliver the Healthy Communities Initiative locally.
Eligible organizations include local development groups including business improvement associations/areas. Eligible expenditures must be incurred between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022. The minimum funding amount for projects is $5,000 and the maximum funding amount is $250,000 for each project.
What type of projects are eligible for funding?
Healthy Communities Initiative projects will:
- respond to identified needs arising from impacts of COVID-19;
- create and adapt public spaces, and programming and services for public spaces in the
public interest;
- demonstrate consideration of and connections with the community;
- serve the general public or a community disproportionately impacted by COVID-19; and,
- fall within the three Healthy Communities Initiative theme areas.
The Healthy Communities Initiative Themes:
1. Safe and vibrant public spaces
- 2. Improved mobility options
- 3. Digital solutions