Terms Of Use
IMPORTANT - Please read this page carefully.
The niagarafallsbusiness.ca Web Site (the "Web Site") is operated and owned by the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls (the "City"). This page states the Terms and Conditions under which you may use the Web Site. By accessing this Web Site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated herein, do not use the Web Site. The City may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this posting. You should visit this page periodically to review the Terms and Conditions because they are binding on you.
The contents of the Web Site, including but not limited to text, publications, newsletters, articles, opinions, minutes of meetings, notice of meetings, views, graphics, images, maps, HTML code, multimedia clips, Java code, and the selection and arrangement of information ("Materials"), are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws under both Canadian and foreign laws. Unauthorized use of the Materials may violate copyright, trademark, patent and other laws. You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Materials on any copy you make of the Materials.
You are granted a limited licence to use (display or print) the Materials, provided the Materials are not modified and a copy of these Terms and Conditions is attached to any copies that are made. You are further granted a limited license to use the e-mail and Internet links (the "Services") provided on the Web Site. Any other use of the Materials or Services is prohibited. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. None of the Materials or Services may be otherwise reproduced, re-published, re-disseminated or otherwise provided in any manner or form without the prior written consent of the City or the third party to which the intellectual property rights belong. You may not sell or modify the Materials or Services or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the Materials or Services in any way for any public or commercial purpose. The use of the Materials or Services on any other web site or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. If you violate any of these Terms and Conditions, your permission to use the Materials and Services automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any copies you have made of the Materials.
Images that are not the property of the City have been acquired from a 3rd Party Source and have been used with permission.
Limitation of Warranties And Disclaimer
The Materials and Services are provided for educational or informational purposes only and should not be relied upon. You should not act or rely on any information on this Web Site without seeking the advice of a professional. Any opinion, advice, article, publication, statement, service, offer, or other information or content expressed or made available on any site linked to this Web Site, is that of the respective author or distributor and not of the City. The City assumes no obligation to update the Materials, advise on further developments concerning topics mentioned or update the functionality of the Services. The City reserves the right to modify, update or change this web site at any given time, without prior notice. The information contained on this Web Site may contain typographical errors. The Materials and Services may be changed without notice. The Materials and Services contained in this web site are provided "AS IS" without any representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose or use, or noninfringment. Further, no representations or warranties are made concerning the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of the Materials or Services, or of any information contained in any site links to this web site. The City does not warrant or guarantee uninterrupted access to the web site, any site linked to this web site or to the availability of internet e-mail links provided on the web site. In no event shall the City, its officers, affiliates, agents, licensors, employees or internet service provider(s) (collectively "its Representatives") be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to lost revenue, lost or damaged data or other commercial or economic loss, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence) or any other theory of liability. The foregoing limitation shall apply even if the City or its Representatives have been advised or should have known of the possibility of such damage.
Absent the use of encryption, the Internet is not a secured medium and privacy cannot be ensured. Internet e-mail is vulnerable to interception and forging. The City will not be responsible for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of the transmission of confidential information that you make to any third party through the Internet e-mail links provided on this Web Site. The City is not responsible for any errors or any changes made to any transmitted information. Should you decide to transmit information using Internet e-mail links, you do so at your own risk.
Any communications through this web site to the City are not deemed legal notice to it's agencies, officers, employees, agents or representatives.
Computer Viruses
While the City makes reasonable efforts to ensure that all Materials and Services provided on this Web Site do not contain computer viruses, you are responsible to take the appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses and to ensure that you have a complete and current back up of the applicable items contained on your computer system.
Links to Other Sites
The Web Site may contain links to other sites as well as e-mail links. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you. These other sites were independently developed by parties other than the City and the City assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information contained in such sites. The inclusion of any link to another site does not imply endorsement by the City. Any mention of another party or its product or service on the Web Site should not be construed as an endorsement of that party or its product service. If you decide to access linked third party web sites, you do so at your own risk.
niagarafallsbusiness.ca is the property of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls.
Contact Us
Business Development Department
Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls
4310 Queen Street
Niagara Falls, ON Canada
L2E 6X5
Phone 905-356-7521
Fax 905-357-9293
Email [email protected]