Niagara Falls Solar Eclipse: Important Information for Your Business
On April 8, 2024 we will be witnessing a spectacular natural phenomenon, a Total Solar Eclips directly over one of natures wonder of the world, Niagara Falls. In this total solar eclipse event, the moon will be perfectly aligned between the Earth and the sun, blocking out the sun’s rays entirely. The solar eclipse experience is expected to start at 2:04 p.m. and last for about two and a half hours. The sun will be fully eclipsed at approximately 3:18 p.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and last for approximately three minutes.
Niagara Falls will be in the Path of Totality, meaning that we will be directly in the moon's shadow when it passes in front of the sun, blocking its rays entirely. While most of North
America will see a partial eclipse, only the areas along the thin Path of Totality will experience a total one. While a total solar eclipse happens somewhere on Earth roughly every 18 months, it
is extremely rare for a total eclipse to occur in any particular place (only occurring every few hundred years), and we are fortunate to be along this path.
What’s the Big Deal?
Niagara Falls will be one of only a handful of Canadian cities along the Path of Totality on April 8th. Combine this with the natural wonder of the Falls, and it is understandable that the eclipse is
ranked #11 on National Geographic's "Best of the World" list for travel adventures. As a result, we expect up to a million visitors to drive into Niagara Falls to observe this phenomenon, by far, the largest crowd we’ve ever experienced. For comparison, the Nik Wallenda walk across the falls drew crowds of approximately 150,000.
Getting your Business Ready
We’ve gathered key information for your place of business to consider so that you’re prepared for the influx of visitors on/around April 8, 2024:
Traffic & Road Closures
Due to the influx of visitors to the area, be prepared for heavy traffic and/or road closures before and after the eclipse, especially on the 420 and QEW, and increased traffic on ancillary roads. Increased traffic congestion in and around the Niagara region is expected to begin on Friday, April 5 and build throughout the weekend. Even if you don’t plan to do anything special that day, the eclipse may still affect your business. Increased traffic, confusion, and delays along major highways and access routes may cause delays in deliveries and other services.
Where possible:
- Reschedule any pickups or deliveries for later in the week
- Schedule errands and deliveries for your business several days ahead of the eclipse or after the eclipse.
- Consider adjusting business hours or hybrid/virtual work, where possible, to keep employees off the road.
Planned or unexpected eclipse-related road closures or major traffic delays will be posted on
Parking will be at a premium on April 8th, with many people seeking a free spot. Ensure you have designated parking for customers and employees.
City parking lots and on-street paid parking can be viewed at
Expect customers who may be primarily interested in using the restrooms in your business. Public portable washrooms will be available but are limited.
Weather and Your Business
If conditions are foggy, visitors with hotel reservations will most likely not change their plans, but the “day trippers” may move to more optimal viewing; there is no way to predict this but
monitoring the weather the week to 10 days prior to April 8th could be very useful for your business forecasting.
Cellular Service
As with any large event that brings high levels of visitation into a concentrated area, it is possible that cell signal may be compromised. Visitors may have urgent requests to use your landline business phone if cell service is limited; decide how you want to handle these requests and make sure employees know what to do. If it is a 911 emergency and you have a landline, be ready to help!
Safe Viewing of the Eclipse for Staff and Patrons
The temptation to take a look at the eclipse will be difficult to resist. Provide safety information for your staff and customers on eye safety, the eclipse timing, and to avoid looking directly at the eclipse without proper eye protection. Provide ISO 12312-2 international safety standard-approved solar filter glasses for your staff and customers. If this is not possible, encourage staff and customers to purchase their glasses in advance to prepare them for the event and close the blinds.
Click the PDF link below for detailed Business Information

Contact Us
Business Development Department
Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls
4310 Queen Street
Niagara Falls, ON Canada
L2E 6X5
Phone 905-356-7521
Fax 905-357-9293
Email [email protected]