Development Process & Assistance

Meeting with Business Development
Business Development’s strategic priority is to strengthen and promote economic development within the City of Niagara Falls
Located at City Hall, Niagara Falls Business Development staff provide leadership and advice to investors, private sector business, community/government stakeholders on maintaining a healthy, diverse economic base in the city. We can help you make the right connections and guide you through the development process.
Business Development provides an array of services to developers, some of which are specifically listed below:
- First stop for business in Niagara Falls; staff will meet with you, answer your questions, and provide guidance on next steps.
- Conduct corporate visitation program to address any opportunities, concerns, suppliers, strategic alliances.
- Business planning information, community profile, demographics, statistics, real estate, programs.
- Assist in the development and execution of major special events.
- Work with various levels of governments in conjunction with private sector and community stakeholders to present workshops, seminars, meetings etc.
- Supportive advocate for strategic community growth initiatives to other governments/agencies.
- Conduct site visits and familiarization tours with perspective
investors to showcase Niagara Falls and to provide real estate/
investment information.

Site Plan Application
The site plan approval process is administered by the Planning Division. The site plan is reviewed by the Site Plan Review Committee which is a multi-disciplinary staff technical committee.
Site Plan Approval Process: 3-4 month time line
Below are the typical steps in the site plan process:
- The first step is to request a pre-consultation meeting with planning staff to discuss the concept plan. Drawings will be required at this stage – more detailed drawings/concepts enable comments to be more reflective of what may be submitted as part of the site plan application. Note that pre-consultation meetings are held 2 times a month; but a request should be made at least 3 weeks prior to the next meeting to allow time for review.
- During the pre-consultation, staff from various departments and external commentating agencies will discuss the plans and provide comments. A checklist of required studies and reports will be provided to the applicant.
- Complete the site plan application form (via City View) and submit drawings and other required documents (ie. studies, reports etc).
- The application will be circulated to relevant departments and agencies for comments. These comments will be coordinated by planning staff and forward to the applicant for any modifications and revisions.
- Submission of the revised site plan drawings to planning staff for recirculation to departments and agencies (as required).
- Submission of final site plan drawings for approval and cost estimate for onsite works.
- Site plan approval by the Director of Planning.
- Registration of the Site Plan agreement.
- Site Plan Approval clearance forwarded to the Building Division for issuance of a building permit.
- Once all works are completed, a site inspection takes place.
- Securities / letter of credit returned to the owner.

Building Permit Application
Building Services is responsible to ensure that all building construction governed by a building permit meets the minimum acceptable standard as required by statutory authority under the Ontario Building Code Act. This is accomplished through the processing of all building permits, the review of applications for compliance with the Ontario Building Code, and the site inspection of all construction projects.
Building Services is also responsible to ensure that minimum standards of property maintenance are enforced through the Property Standards By-law in order to protect the members of the public from situations that may be unsafe or aesthetically unacceptable. The Department responds to complaints from members of the public. Inspections are then required to confirm a by-law violation.
Building Services manages and coordinates the construction, demolition, renovation, maintenance, cleaning, safety and transfer of City owned buildings.
Functions and Services:
- The processing of applications and issuance of permits for building, plumbing, sewer/drains, public and private swimming pools, demolition, conditional building permits, additions and renovation permits and signs on private and public property in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act and its regulations.
- The inspection of buildings, structures, plumbing, sewer/drains, signs, public and private swimming pools and lot grading in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act, Property Standards By-law, Subdivision and Site Plan Agreements.
- Lot Grading Control Compliance in accordance with our Lot Grading Policy.
- Review and provide comments for Committee of Adjustments, Site Plan Agreements, Subdivision Agreements, land Severance Applications.

Incentive Programs
The Niagara Economic Gateway CIP
This is a Community Improvement Plan between the Niagara Region and Local Area Municipalities providing generous incentives to attract and grow business. The Gateway CIP supports projects that revitalize, strengthen and diversify strategic zones within five Niagara municipalities including Niagara Falls.
Eligible projects promoting private sector investment, development, redevelopment, and construction activity in these strategic zones may be eligible to receive significant tax reductions as well as grants to offset development charges related to the investment.
The Region offers two Incentives:
- Tax Increment Based Funding Program - offers a 5-10 year tax increment based grant on local property taxes for post-project values.
- Regional Development Charge Grant Program –recognized as exceptional development projects that score high on the Gateway CIP evaluation, the Region offers DC relief capped at $1.5 million.
Additional Municipal Employment Incentive Program offered by the City of Niagara Falls:
i. Planning Application Fee waivers
ii. Building Permit Fee rebates
iii. Study Grants
Please note:
Final reimbursement for Municipal Employment Incentive Programs are provided after final occupancy has been granted and it is your builder’s responsibility to provide updates and call for inspections as you go through the development process as listed in your final Building Permit approval letters.
Contact Us
Business Development Department
Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls
4310 Queen Street
Niagara Falls, ON Canada
L2E 6X5
Phone 905-356-7521
Fax 905-357-9293
Email [email protected]